[해외안전 HSE] Near Miss Reporting 정의 시스템 총정리


여러분 안녕하세요. 오늘은 Near miss 에 대한 내용으로 포스팅을 준비하였습니다. 







해외 안전업무를 보시는 분들은 기본적으로 Near miss에 대한 내용을 다룰 수 밖에 없습니다.


대부분의 해외 발주처는 Near Miss reporting Procedure를 제출하라고 요청하기도 합니다.


그래서 초반부터 Near miss에 대한 정의를 확실하게 잡아야 합니다. 




'앗차사고' 라는 말이 있습니다. 국내 현장에서 사용하는 Near miss 한국어 버전이라고 생각하면 됩니다.



앗차사고나 Near miss나 기본적으로 정의는 같습니다.


"이벤트가 발생하였으나 사고로 연결되지 않은 경우"



즉, 뭔가가 위에서 고소작업중에 떨어졌지만, 사람이 다치지 않아 그저 끝이 나는 경우가 바로 앗차사고입니다. 




Near Miss에 대하여 잘 소개된 영문 자료가 있어 아래와 같이 공유합니다. 


내용을 잘 숙지하시고, 해외 HSE 업무를 준비하는 분들은 빠진 내용없이 철저하게 Near miss reporting에 대한 부분을 이해해 두시기 바랍니다. 






What Is a Near Miss Accident?

A near miss accident is defined as an unplanned incident that did not result in illness, injury, damage, or fatality. The accident had the potential to end that way. At the core of the near miss event is poor safety management or a faulty process. These lacking systems stand as the cause of the increased risk that led to the “close call” or “narrow escape.”







What Is Near Miss Reporting for OSHA?

Near miss reporting is in place so that companies can be proactive instead of reactive regarding employee safety. Instead of waiting for a loss to happen, steps are taken to ensure safety and prevent a potential incident.


Many times, near misses come before loss on the job. When it’s a near miss, it’s tempting to keep working; no harm has been done, so the event gets swept under the rug.



A culture should be established in which workers are encouraged to report near misses. Without this accurate, honest reporting, we lose the chance to prevent incidents from occurring. Sadly, studies have revealed that loss-producing incidents – events both serious and permanently damaging – often came after warnings and near misses.


Near miss reporting importance cannot be stressed enough. Keep your team organized and safe with the Safety by Design safety management software, SafeTeam. It can help you set up a healthy reporting culture today.




Why Near Miss Reporting Is Important

Reporting near misses in the workplace is essential, and here’s why:


▶ You will log necessary data for stats and analysis, what’s trending, future studies, and even performance measurement.

▶ You will extend convenient and meaningful employment participation, a vital component of a fully-functioning and well-oiled safety management system.

▶ You will create a work environment and culture where your employees feel that they can share and contribute responsibly when it comes to discussions about their own safety and the safety of their co-workers.

▶ You can be a part of one of the leading indicators of performance.



So, why report near misses? You get the general idea by now. If you do have questions, reach out. The Safety by Design safety consulting company uses knowledge and experience to improve your workplace. Your and your employees’ safety and health is our number one priority!








How to Report a Near Miss in the Workplace

how to report near miss accidents in the workplace


Some of you might be wondering how to report near misses in the workplace. What does the system look like?


▶ Establish a policy and set of procedures that are clearly presented to and understood by all employees. This policy and procedure should be backed by your senior management.

▶ Uphold and celebrate a culture of near miss reporting. Support your employees, managers, and supervisors.

▶ Continually educate your employees about near miss reporting and why it is key. Let them know that they are an important part of making workplaces everywhere much safer.

▶ Be sure that your policy and procedures are easy to comprehend and employ regularly.

▶ Don’t let the message die. Keep preaching the importance of this type of reporting. Encourage this type of participation.

▶ Let the near miss reports lead you to a safer work environment. Act and always seek to improve.

▶ You should let your workers know that near miss reporting is non-punitive. Many of them may hold back for that very reason.

▶ Think about what incentives might get your employees on board. Your mission is to celebrate the fact that you’re growing safer in your company every day.

▶ Consider incentives that acknowledge the participation of your employees – the recognition and reporting of near misses and potential hazards they notice. Reporting will become second nature if you do it the right way. It’s all about safety in performance as well as risk reduction.

▶ Avoid incentives that recognize supervisors and management, solely based on their performance and outcome of OSHA recordable rates. You don’t want the plan to backfire and suppress reporting and hinder your safety efforts.

▶ Include this near miss training for all new employees as a part of their orientation.

▶ Find a way to celebrate the successes of the near miss reporting. Take the time to notice the value and praise your employees for their efforts.

▶ Looking for near miss training and a better near miss program in your company? Contact Safety by Design today. We’ll help you establish a plan and system that works. 





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